Do You Really Need Math for Programming

Henil Malaviya
2 min readOct 5, 2021

When people think about Programming in their mind, what they First see is some guy solving big Mathematical Problems in their Computer Screen. Well Talking about relation between Programming and Math is almost 1%. I know there is huge Usage of Math in Some Fields like Data Analytics and Machine Learning, But It is very unlikely that you might ever use sin cos tan in your Daily Programming Routine.

Since I started, Worked with lots of different Web Projects; there was such no use of complex Math Operations. As Far as i know there is literally no need for Complex Mathematical Calculations in Web-Development and Major Software Development. Since Open-Source Community is Growing there are lots and lots of different Base Code, Packages and Modules available on the internet to avoid such a Complex Mathematical Operations.

Talking about Data Analytics, Unfortunately you will need some knowledge of Complex Mathematics and in there you will find it that Using Math is more useful. In Machine Learning You would definitely need Serious amount of complex Math to get things done.


In order to get things done faster and efficiently you will need some knowledge of Complex Math, But too much Complex Math will actually lead your Project to be more Complex for Other People.



Henil Malaviya

I’m 16 and I’m a Full-stack-web-developer (Uncertified of-course). Love Programming so much…