
Henil Malaviya
2 min readOct 22, 2021


Image of DWeb, Showing Network
Network Nodes

Web3.0 is coming in next 5–6 years and i’m in full support. DWeb Stands for Decentralized Web. Today many startups are adopting Web3.0.

What is Decentralized Web?

In Decentralized Web; data is not being stored on any one particular server or hard drive on cloud, but data will be stored to DWeb Network.

When you Signup on Google, Facebook, etc… The Data you shared with Them will be stored on their Server (which they claim to be secure but no Guaranty). While in Web3.0; Your data will be stored in devices that are connected to the network.

How Data will be Stored?

When you Share some data, The Network will choose some Nodes on the network. Then the data will get Encrypted with your Encryption Keys and will be sent to the Nodes which was selected before. That Nodes will store the data on their Device, When needed Nodes will share the data with other Nodes.

Is it possible to Hack or Manipulate Data on DWeb?

Practically “No”, But if Someone Gained Access to “51%” of the network they can do whatever they want with Data. If someone somehow changed the data on Single Node; Other Nodes will check the data and if found Manipulated, the data will get restored. If Your Private Key gets Compromised, Chances are Hackers can read the data you have. Its Practically Impossible to Hack DWeb Unless you Compromise your security.

What are the Benefits?

DWeb Gives your More Secure Connections, More Secure Data Transfer (End-to-End Encryption), It gives trust. It is Unlikely that your data get Manipulated or Hacked.

When DWeb will come for Normal People?

Well, It is already Out there. I mean Block Chain Technology also works upon Decentralized Network. Talking about Web3.0, Team of Engineers are doing research on the Project. Some great people like Tim O’Reilly and Tim Berners-Lee are also Contributing to the Project. We hope it comes in next 5 years.



Henil Malaviya

I’m 16 and I’m a Full-stack-web-developer (Uncertified of-course). Love Programming so much…